When my son was in preschool I wished every second that I could just keep in this little bubble to protect him. I had no idea that around the corner covid would hit and put us all in a bubble. I made a decision to keep my kids home and my son started his first year of kindergarten as a distance learner in the school system. My son is just like me, very emotional and an introvert. He had been out of preschool since March. Personally, I didn’t feel right putting him into a school he’s never been to with people he didn’t know and all while wearing a mask for the entire day. This was a personal choice and one that was right for our family.
Distance learning was a drastic change for our family. I had three kids home all at the same time with three different needs. While a teacher was instructing my son, I still had to be by his side to hear what he had to complete off camera. The first couple of months I sat in his room with my two daughters. I brought in their toys and read books while I listed to my son on his computer. It was not only a transition for us, but for my son. He had to watch his sisters play and have fun while he was on the computer. That was hard for him.
In the six years of knowing my son, I have never seen him grow so much. He was reading and enjoying it. His goal for the year was to read a book to his sisters. He signed on on time every single day. He even checked in with me on the time to make sure he wasn’t late. At the start of school, I struggled with him to complete his assignments. It was a lot for him to be on the computer, listening to instruction, only to sign off and have to complete more work. I get it, but it had to be done. By the end of school, he was asking for more work. He wanted to complete all assignments by the end of the school day and he always achieved it.
On so many occasions, tears ran down my face because of how proud I was of him. He was excelling in school and enjoying it. As hard as it was multitasking and making sure his needs were met every day, every ounce of my being is going to miss him when he goes into first grade. His sisters look for his every move on what they will do for the day. I will miss fixing him his snacks in between every break and everyone sitting down together for lunch.
My little boy is such a role model, not only for his sisters, but for me. He went through so many transitions this past year and soared. I put together a special pre-kindergarten graduation party for him. I had balloons, ring pops and candy delivered from party city. I decorated a table with s’mores cupcakes, a s’mores bar and cookies. He had been asking to make s’mores for a while and I thought this was the perfect opportunity.
Without further ado, I want to share with you how I put together a Kindergarten Graduation for my son in three easy steps:
- Put together a simple balloon garland, which I found here. You can use the balloons to create an arch or swag over your display. I used the the black, gold, white and confetti balloons.
- Life is busy, so I ordered pre-made banners and photo props for the table. I hung the banners with the ribbon that was included in the package and attached it with string to the background display.
- Lastly, prepare a one smart cookie bar and s’mores bar for the kids. You can use cake platters and cake domes for the display. Use a cutting board to display all of the s’mores cupcakes, similar to what I have here in the photo. Put some marshmallows on sticks and lay them on another cutting board so they are accessible to guests for the camp fire.
Thats it! It was pretty simple, done in less then two hours and made for a very happy kindergarten graduate.
I had a little speech to tell him how proud we were of him. I cannot believe what a 6 year old boy was capable of and he surpassed everything I thought he could be. My little boy is such a leader, so smart, imaginative, inquisitive and proactive. He is wiser then his years and has a memory I could only strive to have. I only wish him the best in life and know he will be able to achieve everything he puts his mind to. I love you buddy