My son turned 6 this month and he chose his theme at the beginning of the year. He is the most kindest little boy I have ever known, he is a true super hero. He chose the incredibles as our Halloween costumes as well so everyone in the family, including his grandma, my mom, would have a costume.
For his birthday, the theme continued and he wanted the incredibles. I different plans for his day depending on what the status of Covid was going to be. We ultimately decided on a drive by birthday party for him.
I set up a table at our side road and decorated it with the incredibles theme of yellow, black and red. I had balloons, a sign with his name and treats that were in to go backs. I also had to go paper cups with marshmallows, mini candy canes and cocoa mix (all his friends had to do was add water or milk.
The weather was in the 60s, which is not typical for Connecticut weather. Family and friends came by, luckily most were able to step out of their cars and wish Gray a Happy Birthday in person. A handful of his friends played in the backyard and it probably was the best thing that happened this year. He told me that he had the best day.
On the actual day of his birthday, we had a blizzard that accumulated 18 inches of snow. Our plans to go to the zoo were no longer, but the kids were so excited with the snow and that was a weight off my shoulders. I surprised him with a little camp out in the living room. Each tent had a white tray and a movie bucket with popcorn, sour patch kids and the incredibles cookies. All of his favorites wrapped up under one tent. My son is just like me- his perfect day is in his pajamas, watching a movie and getting cozy with a blanket.
After he was surprised by the tent and movie themed room, him and his sisters danced in the living room and showed us their best incredible moves. I slipped away downstairs and gathered up all of his gifts. I wanted a few items that could be used amongst him and his sisters for the day.
His first surprise were scooters. His sisters received pink scooters and he received a red one, all their favorite colors. I loved that the scooter provided an option to sit or stand. His other gift was nerf guns. I thought it would be cute for them to play inside or outside and completely harmless inside where they wouldn’t break anything.
The day was composed of going outside in the snow, making snow angels, riding their new scooters and breaking open the pinata filled with his favorite candy.
At night, I ordered them their own pizza kits ahead of time from our favorite local pizza restaurant. We were well aware of the snow storm and I knew everywhere would be closed, so I thought this would be the perfect alternative. I also set up an array of his favorite fruit and vegetables all cut up.
For dessert, we enjoyed his favorite chocolate and vanilla cake themed to the incredibles that I made.
There is nothing I love more then planning parties for the people that I love the most. He was so appreciative and kept thanking me and telling me it was the best day ever, but that is why I am here, to make every single day and every birthday one to remember. He has been through so many changes this year and has handled it like a champ. He needed this and was so deserving.
Happy 6th Birthday my Sweet Boy. I love you.