I had the pleasure of sitting down with Kayty (via zoom) for a private charcuterie class. Kayty spent 3.5 years in Thailand where Gather Intentional Living ultimately came to be.
Kayty was longing for a sense of community and friendships. She had a love for food and a desire to be around others. She soon found herself with people in her home, good food and great conversation. This was the doorway to Gather. In Thailand, people were only hoping to receive an invitation to Kayty’s home. Her business became the ultimate success, but I think the foundation was her perseverance.
I think what I admire most about Kayty is that when she gets hit with a roadblock, it doesn’t stop her. She was getting sick in Thailand and ultimately found out it was from the wheat. So she had to start baking everything gluten free from scratch in her home, which was a great niche and something that was hard to come by in Thailand where Shabby & Chic Treats and Eats was born. You can also take one of Kayty’s cake classes online too. I really respect all the dedication and perseverance that Kayty has. I too started with my own cake business that put me through Graduate school. It really opened a lot of doors for me and allowed me to reach out of my comfort zone.
Kayty brought forth her passion back to the states and Gather is just blossoming.
I had the pleasure of taking one of Kayty’s classes while my family and I were in Chatham, MA (Cape Cod). If you know me, one of my biggest pleasures is a charcuterie board. It is by far my most favorite appetizer to eat and make. I just needed a little more guidance in how to make one. Before the class, Kayty send me a list of ingredients to buy for my board. I wasn’t able to find all the ingredients, but she guided me through some equally amazing substitutions. I even added a few cheeses from a local cheese shop in Chatham. One of which was a truffle Brie. It was so good that I purchased a second one for home!

Prior to the class, I laid out all of my ingredients on a clean white table. I can’t tell you how excited I was. It was a perfect view, good food, a chilled bottle of Rose and a class with a now new friend.

Kayty started with an introduction of herself and her amazing background. She went step by step through each process and was very easy to follow. It was honestly like putting a beautiful puzzle together. I related a lot of it to home decor and making sure no two colors were next to one another and needing different textures on the board. The final two steps is what did the trick: adding the greens and raspberries. Wow, just wow! It was absolutely stunning and truly a work of art.
If you are looking for a fun night out with the girls, a date night or a virtual birthday party, I without a doubt recommend Gather Intentional Living. I really love meeting good people through my line of work and I am so happy to have met Kayty. I cannot wait to spread the work about her and her fabulous business.
So what do I want to leave you with after this post? Well, for one, run to Gather Intentional Living and sign up for one of her August classes (if they aren’t already booked) and second, ask someone to join with you. Reach out of your comfort zone and make a new friendship by asking someone you don’t know that well to join with you. Now more then ever we need to maintain our friendships and make sure we still get social.